{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Definition.Typed.Reduction where

open import Definition.Untyped
open import Definition.Typed
open import Definition.Typed.Properties

-- Weak head expansion of type equality
reduction :  {A A′ B B′ Γ}
           Γ  A ⇒* A′
           Γ  B ⇒* B′
           Whnf A′
           Whnf B′
           Γ  A′  B′
           Γ  A  B
reduction D D′ whnfA′ whnfB′ A′≡B′ =
  trans (subset* D) (trans A′≡B′ (sym (subset* D′)))

reduction′ :  {A A′ B B′ Γ}
           Γ  A ⇒* A′
           Γ  B ⇒* B′
           Whnf A′
           Whnf B′
           Γ  A  B
           Γ  A′  B′
reduction′ D D′ whnfA′ whnfB′ A≡B =
  trans (sym (subset* D)) (trans A≡B (subset* D′))

-- Weak head expansion of term equality
reductionₜ :  {a a′ b b′ A B Γ}
            Γ  A ⇒* B
            Γ  a ⇒* a′  B
            Γ  b ⇒* b′  B
            Whnf B
            Whnf a′
            Whnf b′
            Γ  a′  b′  B
            Γ  a  b  A
reductionₜ D d d′ whnfB whnfA′ whnfB′ a′≡b′ =
  conv (trans (subset*Term d)
              (trans a′≡b′ (sym (subset*Term d′))))
       (sym (subset* D))

reductionₜ′ :  {a a′ b b′ A B Γ}
            Γ  A ⇒* B
            Γ  a ⇒* a′  B
            Γ  b ⇒* b′  B
            Whnf B
            Whnf a′
            Whnf b′
            Γ  a  b  A
            Γ  a′  b′  B
reductionₜ′ D d d′ whnfB whnfA′ whnfB′ a≡b =
  trans (sym (subset*Term d))
        (trans (conv a≡b (subset* D)) (subset*Term d′))