{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Definition.Typed.Properties where

open import Tools.Empty using (; ⊥-elim)
open import Tools.Product

open import Definition.Untyped as U hiding (wk)
open import Definition.Untyped.Properties
open import Definition.Typed
open import Tools.Nat
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE

-- Escape context extraction

wfTerm :  {Γ A t}  Γ  t  A   Γ
wfTerm ( ⊢Γ) = ⊢Γ
wfTerm (Π F  G) = wfTerm F
wfTerm (var ⊢Γ x₁) = ⊢Γ
wfTerm (lam F t) with wfTerm t
wfTerm (lam F t) | ⊢Γ  F′ = ⊢Γ
wfTerm (g  a) = wfTerm a
wfTerm (zero ⊢Γ) = ⊢Γ
wfTerm (suc n) = wfTerm n
wfTerm (natrec F z s n) = wfTerm z
wfTerm (conv t A≡B) = wfTerm t

wf :  {Γ A}  Γ  A   Γ
wf ( ⊢Γ) = ⊢Γ
wf (U ⊢Γ) = ⊢Γ
wf (Π F  G) = wf F
wf (univ A) = wfTerm A

wfEqTerm :  {Γ A t u}  Γ  t  u  A   Γ
wfEqTerm (refl t) = wfTerm t
wfEqTerm (sym t≡u) = wfEqTerm t≡u
wfEqTerm (trans t≡u u≡r) = wfEqTerm t≡u
wfEqTerm (conv t≡u A≡B) = wfEqTerm t≡u
wfEqTerm (Π-cong F F≡H G≡E) = wfEqTerm F≡H
wfEqTerm (app-cong f≡g a≡b) = wfEqTerm f≡g
wfEqTerm (β-red F t a) = wfTerm a
wfEqTerm (η-eq F f g f0≡g0) = wfTerm f
wfEqTerm (suc-cong n) = wfEqTerm n
wfEqTerm (natrec-cong F≡F′ z≡z′ s≡s′ n≡n′) = wfEqTerm z≡z′
wfEqTerm (natrec-zero F z s) = wfTerm z
wfEqTerm (natrec-suc n F z s) = wfTerm n

wfEq :  {Γ A B}  Γ  A  B   Γ
wfEq (univ A≡B) = wfEqTerm A≡B
wfEq (refl A) = wf A
wfEq (sym A≡B) = wfEq A≡B
wfEq (trans A≡B B≡C) = wfEq A≡B
wfEq (Π-cong F F≡H G≡E) = wfEq F≡H

-- Reduction is a subset of conversion

subsetTerm :  {Γ A t u}  Γ  t  u  A  Γ  t  u  A
subsetTerm (natrec-subst F z s n⇒n′) =
  natrec-cong (refl F) (refl z) (refl s) (subsetTerm n⇒n′)
subsetTerm (natrec-zero F z s) = natrec-zero F z s
subsetTerm (natrec-suc n F z s) = natrec-suc n F z s
subsetTerm (app-subst t⇒u a) = app-cong (subsetTerm t⇒u) (refl a)
subsetTerm (β-red A t a) = β-red A t a
subsetTerm (conv t⇒u A≡B) = conv (subsetTerm t⇒u) A≡B

subset :  {Γ A B}  Γ  A  B  Γ  A  B
subset (univ A⇒B) = univ (subsetTerm A⇒B)

subset*Term :  {Γ A t u}  Γ  t ⇒* u  A  Γ  t  u  A
subset*Term (id t) = refl t
subset*Term (t⇒t′  t⇒*u) = trans (subsetTerm t⇒t′) (subset*Term t⇒*u)

subset* :  {Γ A B}  Γ  A ⇒* B  Γ  A  B
subset* (id A) = refl A
subset* (A⇒A′  A′⇒*B) = trans (subset A⇒A′) (subset* A′⇒*B)

-- Can extract left-part of a reduction

redFirstTerm :  {Γ t u A}  Γ  t  u  A  Γ  t  A
redFirstTerm (conv t⇒u A≡B) = conv (redFirstTerm t⇒u) A≡B
redFirstTerm (app-subst t⇒u a) = (redFirstTerm t⇒u)  a
redFirstTerm (β-red A t a) = (lam A t)  a
redFirstTerm (natrec-subst F z s n⇒n′) = natrec F z s (redFirstTerm n⇒n′)
redFirstTerm (natrec-zero F z s) = natrec F z s (zero (wfTerm z))
redFirstTerm (natrec-suc n F z s) = natrec F z s (suc n)

redFirst :  {Γ A B}  Γ  A  B  Γ  A
redFirst (univ A⇒B) = univ (redFirstTerm A⇒B)

redFirst*Term :  {Γ t u A}  Γ  t ⇒* u  A  Γ  t  A
redFirst*Term (id t) = t
redFirst*Term (t⇒t′  t′⇒*u) = redFirstTerm t⇒t′

redFirst* :  {Γ A B}  Γ  A ⇒* B  Γ  A
redFirst* (id A) = A
redFirst* (A⇒A′  A′⇒*B) = redFirst A⇒A′

-- No neutral terms are well-formed in an empty context

noNe :  {t A}  ε  t  A  Neutral t  
noNe (var x₁ ()) (var x)
noNe (conv ⊢t x) (var n) = noNe ⊢t (var n)
noNe (⊢t  ⊢t₁) (_∘_ neT) = noNe ⊢t neT
noNe (conv ⊢t x) (_∘_ neT) = noNe ⊢t (_∘_ neT)
noNe (natrec x ⊢t ⊢t₁ ⊢t₂) (natrec neT) = noNe ⊢t₂ neT
noNe (conv ⊢t x) (natrec neT) = noNe ⊢t (natrec neT)

-- Neutrals do not weak head reduce

neRedTerm :  {Γ t u A} (d : Γ  t  u  A) (n : Neutral t)  
neRedTerm (conv d x) n = neRedTerm d n
neRedTerm (app-subst d x) (_∘_ n) = neRedTerm d n
neRedTerm (β-red x x₁ x₂) (_∘_ ())
neRedTerm (natrec-subst x x₁ x₂ d) (natrec n₁) = neRedTerm d n₁
neRedTerm (natrec-zero x x₁ x₂) (natrec ())
neRedTerm (natrec-suc x x₁ x₂ x₃) (natrec ())

neRed :  {Γ A B} (d : Γ  A  B) (N : Neutral A)  
neRed (univ x) N = neRedTerm x N

-- Whnfs do not weak head reduce

whnfRedTerm :  {Γ t u A} (d : Γ  t  u  A) (w : Whnf t)  
whnfRedTerm (conv d x) w = whnfRedTerm d w
whnfRedTerm (app-subst d x) (ne (_∘_ x₁)) = neRedTerm d x₁
whnfRedTerm (β-red x x₁ x₂) (ne (_∘_ ()))
whnfRedTerm (natrec-subst x x₁ x₂ d) (ne (natrec x₃)) = neRedTerm d x₃
whnfRedTerm (natrec-zero x x₁ x₂) (ne (natrec ()))
whnfRedTerm (natrec-suc x x₁ x₂ x₃) (ne (natrec ()))

whnfRed :  {Γ A B} (d : Γ  A  B) (w : Whnf A)  
whnfRed (univ x) w = whnfRedTerm x w

whnfRed*Term :  {Γ t u A} (d : Γ  t ⇒* u  A) (w : Whnf t)  t PE.≡ u
whnfRed*Term (id x) U = PE.refl
whnfRed*Term (id x) Π = PE.refl
whnfRed*Term (id x)  = PE.refl
whnfRed*Term (id x) lam = PE.refl
whnfRed*Term (id x) zero = PE.refl
whnfRed*Term (id x) suc = PE.refl
whnfRed*Term (id x) (ne x₁) = PE.refl
whnfRed*Term (conv x x₁  d) w = ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm x w)
whnfRed*Term (x  d) (ne x₁) = ⊥-elim (neRedTerm x x₁)

whnfRed* :  {Γ A B} (d : Γ  A ⇒* B) (w : Whnf A)  A PE.≡ B
whnfRed* (id x) w = PE.refl
whnfRed* (x  d) w = ⊥-elim (whnfRed x w)

-- Whr is deterministic

whrDetTerm : ∀{Γ t u A u′ A′} (d : Γ  t  u  A) (d′ : Γ  t  u′  A′)  u PE.≡ u′
whrDetTerm (conv d x) d′ = whrDetTerm d d′
whrDetTerm d (conv d′ x₁) = whrDetTerm d d′
whrDetTerm (app-subst d x) (app-subst d′ x₁) rewrite whrDetTerm d d′ = PE.refl
whrDetTerm (app-subst d x) (β-red x₁ x₂ x₃) = ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d lam)
whrDetTerm (β-red x x₁ x₂) (app-subst d x₃) = ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d lam)
whrDetTerm (β-red x x₁ x₂) (β-red x₃ x₄ x₅) = PE.refl
whrDetTerm (natrec-subst x x₁ x₂ d) (natrec-subst x₃ x₄ x₅ d′) rewrite whrDetTerm d d′ = PE.refl
whrDetTerm (natrec-subst x x₁ x₂ d) (natrec-zero x₃ x₄ x₅) = ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d zero)
whrDetTerm (natrec-subst x x₁ x₂ d) (natrec-suc x₃ x₄ x₅ x₆) = ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d suc)
whrDetTerm (natrec-zero x x₁ x₂) (natrec-subst x₃ x₄ x₅ d′) = ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d′ zero)
whrDetTerm (natrec-zero x x₁ x₂) (natrec-zero x₃ x₄ x₅) = PE.refl
whrDetTerm (natrec-suc x x₁ x₂ x₃) (natrec-subst x₄ x₅ x₆ d′) = ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm d′ suc)
whrDetTerm (natrec-suc x x₁ x₂ x₃) (natrec-suc x₄ x₅ x₆ x₇) = PE.refl

whrDet : ∀{Γ A B B′} (d : Γ  A  B) (d′ : Γ  A  B′)  B PE.≡ B′
whrDet (univ x) (univ x₁) = whrDetTerm x x₁

whrDet↘Term : ∀{Γ t u A u′} (d : Γ  t  u  A) (d′ : Γ  t ⇒* u′  A)  Γ  u′ ⇒* u  A
whrDet↘Term (proj₁ , proj₂) (id x) = proj₁
whrDet↘Term (id x , proj₂) (x₁  d′) = ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm x₁ proj₂)
whrDet↘Term (x  proj₁ , proj₂) (x₁  d′) =
  whrDet↘Term (PE.subst  x₂  _  x₂  _  _) (whrDetTerm x x₁) (proj₁ , proj₂)) d′

whrDet*Term : ∀{Γ t u A u′} (d : Γ  t  u  A) (d′ : Γ  t  u′  A)  u PE.≡ u′
whrDet*Term (id x , proj₂) (id x₁ , proj₄) = PE.refl
whrDet*Term (id x , proj₂) (x₁  proj₃ , proj₄) = ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm x₁ proj₂)
whrDet*Term (x  proj₁ , proj₂) (id x₁ , proj₄) = ⊥-elim (whnfRedTerm x proj₄)
whrDet*Term (x  proj₁ , proj₂) (x₁  proj₃ , proj₄) =
  whrDet*Term (proj₁ , proj₂) (PE.subst  x₂  _  x₂  _  _)
                                    (whrDetTerm x₁ x) (proj₃ , proj₄))

whrDet* : ∀{Γ A B B′} (d : Γ  A  B) (d′ : Γ  A  B′)  B PE.≡ B′
whrDet* (id x , proj₂) (id x₁ , proj₄) = PE.refl
whrDet* (id x , proj₂) (x₁  proj₃ , proj₄) = ⊥-elim (whnfRed x₁ proj₂)
whrDet* (x  proj₁ , proj₂) (id x₁ , proj₄) = ⊥-elim (whnfRed x proj₄)
whrDet* (A⇒A′  A′⇒*B , whnfB) (A⇒A″  A″⇒*B′ , whnfB′) =
  whrDet* (A′⇒*B , whnfB) (PE.subst  x  _  x  _)
                                     (whrDet A⇒A″ A⇒A′)
                                     (A″⇒*B′ , whnfB′))

-- Identity of syntactic reduction

idRed:*: :  {Γ A}  Γ  A  Γ  A :⇒*: A
idRed:*: A = [ A , A , id A ]

idRedTerm:*: :  {Γ A t}  Γ  t  A  Γ  t :⇒*: t  A
idRedTerm:*: t = [ t , t , id t ]

-- U cannot be a term

UnotInA :  {A Γ}  Γ  U  A  
UnotInA (conv U∷U x) = UnotInA U∷U

UnotInA[t] :  {A B t a Γ}
          t [ a ] PE.≡ U
          Γ  a  A
          Γ  A  t  B
UnotInA[t] () x₁ ( x₂)
UnotInA[t] () x₁ (Π x₂  x₃)
UnotInA[t] x₁ x₂ (var x₃ here) rewrite x₁ = UnotInA x₂
UnotInA[t] () x₂ (var x₃ (there x₄))
UnotInA[t] () x₁ (lam x₂ x₃)
UnotInA[t] () x₁ (x₂  x₃)
UnotInA[t] () x₁ (zero x₂)
UnotInA[t] () x₁ (suc x₂)
UnotInA[t] () x₁ (natrec x₂ x₃ x₄ x₅)
UnotInA[t] x x₁ (conv x₂ x₃) = UnotInA[t] x x₁ x₂

redU*Term′ :  {A B U′ Γ}  U′ PE.≡ U  Γ  A  U′  B  
redU*Term′ U′≡U (conv A⇒U x) = redU*Term′ U′≡U A⇒U
redU*Term′ () (app-subst A⇒U x)
redU*Term′ U′≡U (β-red x x₁ x₂) = UnotInA[t] U′≡U x₂ x₁
redU*Term′ () (natrec-subst x x₁ x₂ A⇒U)
redU*Term′ U′≡U (natrec-zero x x₁ x₂) rewrite U′≡U = UnotInA x₁
redU*Term′ () (natrec-suc x x₁ x₂ x₃)

redU*Term :  {A B Γ}  Γ  A ⇒* U  B  
redU*Term (id x) = UnotInA x
redU*Term (x  A⇒*U) = redU*Term A⇒*U

-- Nothing reduces to U

redU :  {A Γ}  Γ  A  U  
redU (univ x) = redU*Term′ PE.refl x

redU* :  {A Γ}  Γ  A ⇒* U  A PE.≡ U
redU* (id x) = PE.refl
redU* (x  A⇒*U) rewrite redU* A⇒*U = ⊥-elim (redU x)