-- Raw terms, weakening (renaming) and substitution.

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Definition.Untyped where

open import Tools.Nat
open import Tools.Product
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE

infixl 30 _∙_
infix 30 Π_▹_
infixr 22 _▹▹_
infixl 30 _ₛ•ₛ_ _•ₛ_ _ₛ•_
infix 25 _[_]
infix 25 _[_]↑

-- Typing contexts (snoc-lists, isomorphic to lists).

data Con (A : Set) : Set where
  ε   : Con A               -- Empty context.
  _∙_ : Con A  A  Con A  -- Context extension.

-- The Grammar of our language.

-- We represent the expressions of our language as de Bruijn terms.
-- Variables are natural numbers interpreted as de Bruijn indices.
-- Π, lam, and natrec are binders.

data Term : Set where

  -- Type constructors.
  U      : Term                     -- Universe.
  Π_▹_   : (A B : Term)      Term  -- Dependent function type (B is a binder).
        : Term                     -- Type of natural numbers.

  -- Lambda-calculus.
  var    : (x : Nat)         Term  -- Variable (de Bruijn index).
  lam    : (t : Term)        Term  -- Function abstraction (binder).
  _∘_    : (t u : Term)      Term  -- Application.

  -- Introduction and elimination of natural numbers.
  zero   : Term                     -- Natural number zero.
  suc    : (t : Term)        Term  -- Successor.
  natrec : (A t u v : Term)  Term  -- Recursor (A is a binder).

-- Injectivity of term constructors w.r.t. propositional equality.

-- If  Π F G = Π H E  then  F = H  and  G = E.

Π-PE-injectivity :  {F G H E}  Term.Π F  G PE.≡ Π H  E  F PE.≡ H × G PE.≡ E
Π-PE-injectivity PE.refl = PE.refl , PE.refl

-- If  suc n = suc m  then  n = m.

suc-PE-injectivity :  {n m}  Term.suc n PE.≡ suc m  n PE.≡ m
suc-PE-injectivity PE.refl = PE.refl

-- Neutral terms.

-- A term is neutral if it has a variable in head position.
-- The variable blocks reduction of such terms.

data Neutral : Term  Set where
  var    :  n                      Neutral (var n)
  _∘_    :  {k u}      Neutral k  Neutral (k  u)
  natrec :  {C c g k}  Neutral k  Neutral (natrec C c g k)

-- Weak head normal forms (whnfs).

-- These are the (lazy) values of our language.

data Whnf : Term  Set where

  -- Type constructors are whnfs.
  U    : Whnf U
  Π    :  {A B}  Whnf (Π A  B)
      : Whnf 

  -- Introductions are whnfs.
  lam  :  {t}  Whnf (lam t)
  zero : Whnf zero
  suc  :  {t}  Whnf (suc t)

  -- Neutrals are whnfs.
  ne   :  {n}  Neutral n  Whnf n

-- Whnf inequalities.

-- Different whnfs are trivially distinguished by propositional equality.
-- (The following statements are sometimes called "no-confusion theorems".)

U≢ℕ : Term.U PE.≢ 
U≢ℕ ()

U≢Π :  {F G}  Term.U PE.≢ Π F  G
U≢Π ()

U≢ne :  {K}  Neutral K  U PE.≢ K
U≢ne () PE.refl

ℕ≢Π :  {F G}  Term.ℕ PE.≢ Π F  G
ℕ≢Π ()

ℕ≢ne :  {K}  Neutral K   PE.≢ K
ℕ≢ne () PE.refl

Π≢ne :  {F G K}  Neutral K  Π F  G PE.≢ K
Π≢ne () PE.refl

zero≢suc :  {n}  Term.zero PE.≢ suc n
zero≢suc ()

zero≢ne :  {k}  Neutral k  Term.zero PE.≢ k
zero≢ne () PE.refl

suc≢ne :  {n k}  Neutral k  Term.suc n PE.≢ k
suc≢ne () PE.refl

-- Several views on whnfs (note: not recursive).

-- A whnf of type ℕ is either zero, suc t, or neutral.

data Natural : Term  Set where
  zero :                     Natural zero
  suc  :  {t}              Natural (suc t)
  ne   :  {n}  Neutral n  Natural n

-- A (small) type in whnf is either Π A B, ℕ, or neutral.
-- Large types could also be U.

data Type : Term  Set where
  Π :  {A B}  Type (Π A  B)
   : Type 
  ne : ∀{n}  Neutral n  Type n

-- A whnf of type Π A B is either lam t or neutral.

data Function : Term  Set where
  lam : ∀{t}  Function (lam t)
  ne : ∀{n}  Neutral n  Function n

-- These views classify only whnfs.
-- Natural, Type, and Function are a subsets of Whnf.

naturalWhnf :  {n}  Natural n  Whnf n
naturalWhnf suc = suc
naturalWhnf zero = zero
naturalWhnf (ne x) = ne x

typeWhnf :  {A}  Type A  Whnf A
typeWhnf Π = Π
typeWhnf  = 
typeWhnf (ne x) = ne x

functionWhnf :  {f}  Function f  Whnf f
functionWhnf lam = lam
functionWhnf (ne x) = ne x

-- Weakening

-- In the following we define untyped weakenings η : Wk.
-- The typed form could be written η : Γ ≤ Δ with the intention
-- that η transport a term t living in context Δ to a context Γ
-- that can bind additional variables (which cannot appear in t).
-- Thus, if Δ ⊢ t : A and η : Γ ≤ Δ then Γ ⊢ wk η t : wk η A.
-- Even though Γ is "larger" than Δ we write Γ ≤ Δ to be conformant
-- with subtyping A ≤ B.  With subtyping, relation Γ ≤ Δ could be defined as
-- ``for all x ∈ dom(Δ) have Γ(x) ≤ Δ(x)'' (in the sense of subtyping)
-- and this would be the natural extension of weakenings.

data Wk : Set where
  id    : Wk        -- η : Γ ≤ Γ.
  step  : Wk   Wk  -- If η : Γ ≤ Δ then step η : Γ∙A ≤ Δ.
  lift  : Wk   Wk  -- If η : Γ ≤ Δ then lift η : Γ∙A ≤ Δ∙A.

-- Composition of weakening.
-- If η : Γ ≤ Δ and η′ : Δ ≤ Φ then η • η′ : Γ ≤ Φ.

infixl 30 _•_

_•_                :  Wk  Wk  Wk
id       η′       =  η′
step η   η′       =  step  (η  η′)
lift η   id       =  lift  η
lift η   step η′  =  step  (η  η′)
lift η   lift η′  =  lift  (η  η′)

-- Weakening of variables.
-- If η : Γ ≤ Δ and x ∈ dom(Δ) then wkVar ρ x ∈ dom(Γ).

wkVar : (ρ : Wk) (n : Nat)  Nat
wkVar id       n       = n
wkVar (step ρ) n       = suc (wkVar ρ n)
wkVar (lift ρ) zero    = zero
wkVar (lift ρ) (suc n) = suc (wkVar ρ n)

-- Weakening of terms.
-- If η : Γ ≤ Δ and Δ ⊢ t : A then Γ ⊢ wk η t : wk η A.

wk : (ρ : Wk) (t : Term)  Term
wk ρ U                = U
wk ρ (Π A  B)        = Π wk ρ A  wk (lift ρ) B
wk ρ                 = 
wk ρ (var x)          = var (wkVar ρ x)
wk ρ (lam t)          = lam (wk (lift ρ) t)
wk ρ (t  u)          = wk ρ t  wk ρ u
wk ρ zero             = zero
wk ρ (suc t)          = suc (wk ρ t)
wk ρ (natrec A t u v) = natrec (wk (lift ρ) A) (wk ρ t) (wk ρ u) (wk ρ v)

-- Adding one variable to the context requires wk1.
-- If Γ ⊢ t : B then Γ∙A ⊢ wk1 t : wk1 B.

wk1 : Term  Term
wk1 = wk (step id)

-- Weakening of a neutral term.

wkNeutral :  {t} ρ  Neutral t  Neutral (wk ρ t)
wkNeutral ρ (var n)    = var (wkVar ρ n)
wkNeutral ρ (_∘_ n)    = _∘_ (wkNeutral ρ n)
wkNeutral ρ (natrec n) = natrec (wkNeutral ρ n)

-- Weakening can be applied to our whnf views.

wkNatural :  {t} ρ  Natural t  Natural (wk ρ t)
wkNatural ρ suc    = suc
wkNatural ρ zero   = zero
wkNatural ρ (ne x) = ne (wkNeutral ρ x)

wkType :  {t} ρ  Type t  Type (wk ρ t)
wkType ρ Π      = Π
wkType ρ       = 
wkType ρ (ne x) = ne (wkNeutral ρ x)

wkFunction :  {t} ρ  Function t  Function (wk ρ t)
wkFunction ρ lam    = lam
wkFunction ρ (ne x) = ne (wkNeutral ρ x)

wkWhnf :  {t} ρ  Whnf t  Whnf (wk ρ t)
wkWhnf ρ U      = U
wkWhnf ρ Π      = Π
wkWhnf ρ       = 
wkWhnf ρ lam    = lam
wkWhnf ρ zero   = zero
wkWhnf ρ suc    = suc
wkWhnf ρ (ne x) = ne (wkNeutral ρ x)

-- Non-dependent version of Π.

_▹▹_ : Term  Term  Term
A ▹▹ B = Π A  wk1 B

-- Substitution

-- The substitution operation  subst σ t  replaces the free de Bruijn indices
-- of term t by chosen terms as specified by σ.

-- The substitution σ itself is a map from natural numbers to terms.

Subst : Set
Subst = Nat  Term

-- Given closed contexts ⊢ Γ and ⊢ Δ,
-- substitutions may be typed via Γ ⊢ σ : Δ meaning that
-- Γ ⊢ σ(x) : (subst σ Δ)(x) for all x ∈ dom(Δ).
-- The substitution operation is then typed as follows:
-- If Γ ⊢ σ : Δ and Δ ⊢ t : A, then Γ ⊢ subst σ t : subst σ A.
-- Although substitutions are untyped, typing helps us
-- to understand the operation on substitutions.

-- We may view σ as the infinite stream σ 0, σ 1, ...

-- Extract the substitution of the first variable.
-- If Γ ⊢ σ : Δ∙A  then Γ ⊢ head σ : subst σ A.

head : Subst  Term
head σ = σ 0

-- Remove the first variable instance of a substitution
-- and shift the rest to accommodate.
-- If Γ ⊢ σ : Δ∙A then Γ ⊢ tail σ : Δ.

tail : Subst  Subst
tail σ n = σ (suc n)

-- Substitution of a variable.
-- If Γ ⊢ σ : Δ then Γ ⊢ substVar σ x : (subst σ Δ)(x).

substVar : (σ : Subst) (x : Nat)  Term
substVar σ x = σ x

-- Identity substitution.
-- Replaces each variable by itself.
-- Γ ⊢ idSubst : Γ.

idSubst : Subst
idSubst = var

-- Weaken a substitution by one.
-- If Γ ⊢ σ : Δ then Γ∙A ⊢ wk1Subst σ : Δ.

wk1Subst : Subst  Subst
wk1Subst σ x = wk1 (σ x)

-- Lift a substitution.
-- If Γ ⊢ σ : Δ then Γ∙A ⊢ liftSubst σ : Δ∙A.

liftSubst : (σ : Subst)  Subst
liftSubst σ zero    = var zero
liftSubst σ (suc x) = wk1Subst σ x

-- Transform a weakening into a substitution.
-- If ρ : Γ ≤ Δ then Γ ⊢ toSubst ρ : Δ.

toSubst : Wk  Subst
toSubst pr x = var (wkVar pr x)

-- Apply a substitution to a term.
-- If Γ ⊢ σ : Δ and Δ ⊢ t : A then Γ ⊢ subst σ t : subst σ A.

subst : (σ : Subst) (t : Term)  Term
subst σ U          = U
subst σ (Π A  B) = Π subst σ A  subst (liftSubst σ) B
subst σ           = 
subst σ (var x)    = substVar σ x
subst σ (lam t)    = lam (subst (liftSubst σ) t)
subst σ (t  u)    = (subst σ t)  (subst σ u)
subst σ zero       = zero
subst σ (suc t)    = suc (subst σ t)
subst σ (natrec A t u v) =
  natrec (subst (liftSubst σ) A) (subst σ t) (subst σ u) (subst σ v)

-- Extend a substitution by adding a term as
-- the first variable substitution and shift the rest.
-- If Γ ⊢ σ : Δ and Γ ⊢ t : subst σ A then Γ ⊢ consSubst σ t : Δ∙A.

consSubst : Subst  Term  Subst
consSubst σ t zero    = t
consSubst σ t (suc n) = σ n

-- Singleton substitution.
-- If Γ ⊢ t : A then Γ ⊢ sgSubst t : Γ∙A.

sgSubst : Term  Subst
sgSubst = consSubst idSubst

-- Compose two substitutions.
-- If Γ ⊢ σ : Δ and Δ ⊢ σ′ : Φ then Γ ⊢ σ ₛ•ₛ σ′ : Φ.

_ₛ•ₛ_ : Subst  Subst  Subst
_ₛ•ₛ_ σ σ′ x = subst σ (σ′ x)

-- Composition of weakening and substitution.
--  If ρ : Γ ≤ Δ and Δ ⊢ σ : Φ then Γ ⊢ ρ •ₛ σ : Φ.

_•ₛ_ : Wk  Subst  Subst
_•ₛ_ ρ σ x = wk ρ (σ x)

--  If Γ ⊢ σ : Δ and ρ : Δ ≤ Φ then Γ ⊢ σ ₛ• ρ : Φ.

_ₛ•_ : Subst  Wk  Subst
_ₛ•_ σ ρ x = σ (wkVar ρ x)

-- Substitute the first variable of a term with an other term.
-- If Γ∙A ⊢ t : B and Γ ⊢ s : A then Γ ⊢ t[s] : B[s].

_[_] : (t : Term) (s : Term)  Term
t [ s ] = subst (sgSubst s) t

-- Substitute the first variable of a term with an other term,
-- but let the two terms share the same context.
-- If Γ∙A ⊢ t : B and Γ∙A ⊢ s : A then Γ∙A ⊢ t[s]↑ : B[s]↑.

_[_]↑ : (t : Term) (s : Term)  Term
t [ s ]↑ = subst (consSubst (wk1Subst idSubst) s) t