{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Definition.Typed.Consequences.NeTypeEq where

open import Definition.Untyped
open import Definition.Typed
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Syntactic
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Injectivity
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Substitution

open import Tools.Product
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE

-- Helper function for the same variable instance of a context have equal types.
varTypeEq′ :  {n R T Γ}  n  R  Γ  n  T  Γ  R PE.≡ T
varTypeEq′ here here = PE.refl
varTypeEq′ (there n∷R) (there n∷T) rewrite varTypeEq′ n∷R n∷T = PE.refl

-- The same variable instance of a context have equal types.
varTypeEq :  {x A B Γ}  Γ  A  Γ  B  x  A  Γ  x  B  Γ  Γ  A  B
varTypeEq A B x∷A x∷B rewrite varTypeEq′ x∷A x∷B = refl A

-- The same neutral term have equal types.
neTypeEq :  {t A B Γ}  Neutral t  Γ  t  A  Γ  t  B  Γ  A  B
neTypeEq (var x) (var x₁ x₂) (var x₃ x₄) =
  varTypeEq (syntacticTerm (var x₃ x₂)) (syntacticTerm (var x₃ x₄)) x₂ x₄
neTypeEq (_∘_ neT) (t∷A  t∷A₁) (t∷B  t∷B₁) with neTypeEq neT t∷A t∷B
... | q = let w = proj₂ (injectivity q)
          in  substTypeEq w (refl t∷A₁)
neTypeEq (natrec neT) (natrec x t∷A t∷A₁ t∷A₂) (natrec x₁ t∷B t∷B₁ t∷B₂) =
  refl (substType x₁ t∷B₂)
neTypeEq x (conv t∷A x₁) t∷B = let q = neTypeEq x t∷A t∷B
                               in  trans (sym x₁) q
neTypeEq x t∷A (conv t∷B x₃) = let q = neTypeEq x t∷A t∷B
                               in  trans q x₃