{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Definition.Typed.Consequences.InverseUniv where

open import Definition.Untyped
open import Definition.Typed
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Syntactic

import Tools.Sum as Sum
open import Tools.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Tools.Product
open import Tools.Empty
open import Tools.Nullary

-- Proposition for terms if they contain a U.
data UFull : Term  Set where
  U  : UFull U
  Π₁ :  {F G}  UFull F  UFull (Π F  G)
  Π₂ :  {F G}  UFull G  UFull (Π F  G)

-- Terms cannot contain U.
noU :  {t A Γ}  Γ  t  A  ¬ (UFull t)
noU ( x) ()
noU (Π t  t₁) (Π₁ ufull) = noU t ufull
noU (Π t  t₁) (Π₂ ufull) = noU t₁ ufull
noU (var x₁ x₂) ()
noU (lam x t₁) ()
noU (t  t₁) ()
noU (zero x) ()
noU (suc t) ()
noU (natrec x t t₁ t₂) ()
noU (conv t₁ x) ufull = noU t₁ ufull

-- Neutrals cannot contain U.
noUNe :  {A}  Neutral A  ¬ (UFull A)
noUNe (var n) ()
noUNe (_∘_ neA) ()
noUNe (natrec neA) ()

-- Helper function where if at least one Π-type does not contain U,
-- one of F and H will not contain U and one of G and E will not contain U.
pilem :  {F G H E}
       (¬ UFull (Π F  G))  (¬ UFull (Π H  E))
       (¬ UFull F)  (¬ UFull H) × (¬ UFull G)  (¬ UFull E)
pilem (inj₁ x) = inj₁  x₁  x (Π₁ x₁)) , inj₁  x₁  x (Π₂ x₁))
pilem (inj₂ x) = inj₂  x₁  x (Π₁ x₁)) , inj₂  x₁  x (Π₂ x₁))

-- If type A does not contain U, then A can be a term of type U.
inverseUniv :  {A Γ}  ¬ (UFull A)  Γ  A  Γ  A  U
inverseUniv q ( x) =  x
inverseUniv q (U x) = ⊥-elim (q U)
inverseUniv q (Π A  A₁) = Π inverseUniv  x  q (Π₁ x)) A  inverseUniv  x  q (Π₂ x)) A₁
inverseUniv q (univ x) = x

-- If A is a neutral type, then A can be a term of U.
inverseUnivNe :  {A Γ}  Neutral A  Γ  A  Γ  A  U
inverseUnivNe neA ⊢A = inverseUniv (noUNe neA) ⊢A

-- Helper function where if at least one type does not contain U, then the
-- equality of types can be an equality of term of type U.
inverseUnivEq′ :  {A B Γ}  (¬ (UFull A))  (¬ (UFull B))  Γ  A  B  Γ  A  B  U
inverseUnivEq′ q (univ x) = x
inverseUnivEq′ q (refl x) = refl (inverseUniv (Sum.id q) x)
inverseUnivEq′ q (sym A≡B) = sym (inverseUnivEq′ (Sum.sym q) A≡B)
inverseUnivEq′ (inj₁ x) (trans A≡B A≡B₁) =
  let w = inverseUnivEq′ (inj₁ x) A≡B
      _ , _ , t = syntacticEqTerm w
      y = noU t
  in  trans w (inverseUnivEq′ (inj₁ y) A≡B₁)
inverseUnivEq′ (inj₂ x) (trans A≡B A≡B₁) =
  let w = inverseUnivEq′ (inj₂ x) A≡B₁
      _ , t , _ = syntacticEqTerm w
      y = noU t
  in  trans (inverseUnivEq′ (inj₂ y) A≡B) w
inverseUnivEq′ q (Π-cong x A≡B A≡B₁) =
  let w , e = pilem q
  in  Π-cong x (inverseUnivEq′ w A≡B) (inverseUnivEq′ e A≡B₁)

-- If A is a term of U, then the equality of types is an equality of terms of type U.
inverseUnivEq :  {A B Γ}  Γ  A  U  Γ  A  B  Γ  A  B  U
inverseUnivEq A A≡B = inverseUnivEq′ (inj₁ (noU A)) A≡B