{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module Definition.Typed.Consequences.Inequality where

open import Definition.Untyped hiding (U≢ℕ; U≢Π; U≢ne; ℕ≢Π; ℕ≢ne; Π≢ne)
open import Definition.Untyped.Properties
open import Definition.Typed
open import Definition.Typed.EqRelInstance
open import Definition.LogicalRelation
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Irrelevance
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.ShapeView
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Substitution
open import Definition.LogicalRelation.Fundamental.Reducibility
open import Definition.Typed.Consequences.Syntactic

open import Tools.Product
open import Tools.Empty
import Tools.PropositionalEquality as PE

A≢B :  {A B Γ} (_⊩′⟨_⟩A_ _⊩′⟨_⟩B_ : Con Term  TypeLevel  Term  Set)
      (A-intr :  {l}  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩A A  Γ ⊩⟨ l  A)
      (B-intr :  {l}  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩B B  Γ ⊩⟨ l  B)
      (A-elim :  {l}  Γ ⊩⟨ l  A   λ l′  Γ ⊩′⟨ l′ ⟩A A)
      (B-elim :  {l}  Γ ⊩⟨ l  B   λ l′  Γ ⊩′⟨ l′ ⟩B B)
      (A≢B′ :  {l l′} ([A] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩A A) ([B] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l′ ⟩B B)
             ShapeView Γ l l′ A B (A-intr [A]) (B-intr [B])  )
     Γ  A  B  
A≢B {A} {B} _ _ A-intr B-intr A-elim B-elim A≢B′ A≡B with reducibleEq A≡B
A≢B {A} {B} _ _ A-intr B-intr A-elim B-elim A≢B′ A≡B | [A] , [B] , [A≡B] =
  let _ , [A]′ = A-elim ([A])
      _ , [B]′ = B-elim ([B])
      [A≡B]′ = irrelevanceEq [A] (A-intr [A]′) [A≡B]
  in  A≢B′ [A]′ [B]′ (goodCases (A-intr [A]′) (B-intr [B]′) [A≡B]′)

U≢ℕ′ :  {Γ B l l′}
       ([U] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩U)
       ([ℕ] : Γ ⊩ℕ B)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ (U [U]) ( [ℕ])  
U≢ℕ′ a b ()

U≢ℕ-red :  {B Γ}  Γ  B ⇒*   Γ  U  B  
U≢ℕ-red D = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩U)  Γ l B  Γ ⊩ℕ B) U 
                 x  extractMaybeEmb (U-elim x))
                 x  extractMaybeEmb (ℕ-elim′ D x))

-- U and ℕ cannot be judgmentally equal.
U≢ℕ :  {Γ}  Γ  U    
U≢ℕ U≡ℕ =
  let _ , ⊢ℕ = syntacticEq U≡ℕ
  in  U≢ℕ-red (id ⊢ℕ) U≡ℕ

U≢Π′ :  {B Γ l l′}
       ([U] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩U)
       ([Π] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l′ ⟩Π B)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ (U [U]) (Π [Π])  
U≢Π′ a b ()

U≢Π-red :  {B F G Γ}  Γ  B ⇒* Π F  G  Γ  U  B  
U≢Π-red D = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩U)
                 Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩Π A) U Π
                 x  extractMaybeEmb (U-elim x))
                 x  extractMaybeEmb (Π-elim′ D x))

-- U and Π F ▹ G for any F and G cannot be judgmentally equal.
U≢Π :  {F G Γ}  Γ  U  Π F  G  
U≢Π U≡Π =
  let _ , ⊢Π = syntacticEq U≡Π
  in  U≢Π-red (id ⊢Π) U≡Π

U≢ne′ :  {K Γ l l′}
       ([U] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩U)
       ([K] : Γ ⊩ne K)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ (U [U]) (ne [K])  
U≢ne′ a b ()

U≢ne-red :  {B K Γ}  Γ  B ⇒* K  Neutral K  Γ  U  B  
U≢ne-red D neK = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩U)  Γ l B  Γ ⊩ne B) U ne
                      x  extractMaybeEmb (U-elim x))
                      x  extractMaybeEmb (ne-elim′ D neK x))

-- U and K for any neutral K cannot be judgmentally equal.
U≢ne :  {K Γ}  Neutral K  Γ  U  K  
U≢ne neK U≡K =
  let _ , ⊢K = syntacticEq U≡K
  in  U≢ne-red (id ⊢K) neK U≡K

ℕ≢Π′ :  {A B Γ l l′}
       ([ℕ] : Γ ⊩ℕ A)
       ([Π] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l′ ⟩Π B)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ ( [ℕ]) (Π [Π])  
ℕ≢Π′ a b ()

ℕ≢Π-red :  {A B F G Γ}  Γ  A ⇒*   Γ  B ⇒* Π F  G  Γ  A  B  
ℕ≢Π-red D D′ = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩ℕ A)
                    Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩Π A)  Π
                    x  extractMaybeEmb (ℕ-elim′ D x))
                    x  extractMaybeEmb (Π-elim′ D′ x))

-- ℕ and Π F ▹ G for any F and G cannot be judgmentally equal.
ℕ≢Π :  {F G Γ}  Γ    Π F  G  
ℕ≢Π ℕ≡Π =
  let ⊢ℕ , ⊢Π = syntacticEq ℕ≡Π
  in  ℕ≢Π-red (id ⊢ℕ) (id ⊢Π) ℕ≡Π

ℕ≢ne′ :  {A K Γ l l′}
       ([ℕ] : Γ ⊩ℕ A)
       ([K] : Γ ⊩ne K)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ ( [ℕ]) (ne [K])  
ℕ≢ne′ a b ()

ℕ≢ne-red :  {A B K Γ}  Γ  A ⇒*   Γ  B ⇒* K  Neutral K  Γ  A  B  
ℕ≢ne-red D D′ neK = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩ℕ A)  Γ l B  Γ ⊩ne B)  ne
                         x  extractMaybeEmb (ℕ-elim′ D x))
                         x  extractMaybeEmb (ne-elim′ D′ neK x))

-- ℕ and K for any neutral K cannot be judgmentally equal.
ℕ≢ne :  {K Γ}  Neutral K  Γ    K  
ℕ≢ne neK ℕ≡K =
  let ⊢ℕ , ⊢K = syntacticEq ℕ≡K
  in  ℕ≢ne-red (id ⊢ℕ) (id ⊢K) neK ℕ≡K

Π≢ne′ :  {A K Γ l l′}
       ([Π] : Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩Π A)
       ([K] : Γ ⊩ne K)
      ShapeView Γ l l′ _ _ (Π [Π]) (ne [K])  
Π≢ne′ a b ()

Π≢ne-red :  {A B F G K Γ}  Γ  A ⇒* Π F  G  Γ  B ⇒* K  Neutral K
      Γ  A  B  
Π≢ne-red D D′ neK = A≢B  Γ l A  Γ ⊩′⟨ l ⟩Π A)
                         Γ l B  Γ ⊩ne B) Π ne
                         x  extractMaybeEmb (Π-elim′ D x))
                         x  extractMaybeEmb (ne-elim′ D′ neK x))

-- Π F ▹ G and K for any F and G and neutral K cannot be judgmentally equal.
Π≢ne :  {F G K Γ}  Neutral K  Γ  Π F  G  K  
Π≢ne neK Π≡K =
  let ⊢Π , ⊢K = syntacticEq Π≡K
  in  Π≢ne-red (id ⊢Π) (id ⊢K) neK Π≡K